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Write your I AM FROM poem

By The Aloha Team

A road at aloha looking out at a field and a platform tent.

I Am From poems are a way to share a bit of your story through writing. There are many ways to write an I Am From poem. Simply think about what you would like to tell about yourself, and begin every line of your poem with “I am from”… 

Click here for a printable version of the I AM FROM poem template and examples.

Here are some questions to think about that may help you come up with content you would like to include in your poem:

  • Where do you live?
  • Where is your family from?
  • What are your parents’ names? Siblings’ names? Pets’ names? Names of other family members you would like to include?
  • What are some adjectives that describe you?
  • What do you like to do after school or on weekends?
  • What are your favorite foods? Sports? Movies? 
  • What are your favorite holidays or family traditions?
  • What is a phrase or saying that you try to live by?
  • What is a moment or a place that stands out to you?

Or, you can use the template below to assist you in writing your poem. 

We look forward to reading your poems and learning about you!


“I am From” Poem Template


I Am From

By: _______________________

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(where you live)

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(important people in your life)

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(important places in your life or in your family’s history)

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(adjectives – words- that describe you)

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(favorite activities)

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(other favorites: movies, foods, sports, etc)

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(important holidays or family traditions)

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(a place or moment that stands out to you)

I am from _________________________________________________________________________________

(a phrase or value you try to live by)

Here are some I Am From example poems:


We Are From

Aloha Camp Style

We are from that sweet sign spelling A-L-O-H-A

We are from Lake Morey

We are from Pines, Seventh Heaven, Crossroads, Old Hideaway and Club

We are from Wishing Fire, Wedding Ring, Father Guick’s Ravine, and Winships

We are from swimming, crew, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, biking, Performing Arts, the Art Barn, photography, archery, tennis, landsports, and the Woodchuck Hole

We are from grilled cheese and tomato soup

We are from Nancy’s Nightmare and Sundae Night

We are from unit time and tent family time

We are from campfires

We are from song

We are from friendship

I Am From

By a 4th grader

I am from a brown and green house that echos 

I am from a steep hill up from the village

I am from an amazing mother, father, annoying older brother and loving grandparents

I am from a family of 18

I am from funny, serious, willing and loving

I am from horseback riding, playing soccer, playing basketball and skiing

I am from spending time with family and friends

I am from the color green

I am from apple pie, ice cream and cookies

I am from the season summer and playing outside


I Am From

By Katie Shearer

I am from the red brick house where my mother grew up & Edgewood Elementary School pride 

I am from my three best friends right down the street, on a block where houses are close enough together to be the optimal neighborhood for trick-or-treating, 4th of July gatherings, and lots of fun while shoveling snowy driveways

I am from the best cocker spaniel sibling, Parker, an only child could ask for

I am from a small wooden cabin and platform tents– lakes, campfires, swimming, canoeing, the smell and sound of nature and the belief that it is the greatest gift to be outside, doing, well, not much at all.

I am from Aloha Camp and Big Green Football

I am from Bryn Mawr College and Marlboro College Graduate School

I am from folk music, blasting radios, singing loudly & making up harmonies—whether they be in tune or not

I am from teaching, learning & service

I am from Armenia, Ireland & Scotland

I am from Family, Enthusiasm, Optimism, Strength and Love

I am from Hugs, Laughs, Energy, Smiles

I am from Trying to be True to Oneself and One’s Values