Interested in learning more about Aloha, Hive, or Lanakila? Join us for a virtual   Open House!

The Aloha "A" symbol.
Summer Overnight Camp


girls' program for 7th-10th grade graduates

Camp Overview

Since 1905, Aloha has introduced campers to skills, programs, and opportunities they may never have encountered previously, creating a safe space for them to take risks and embrace new challenges. At Aloha, we celebrate campers’ different strengths and interests, and support people in developing lifelong passions and confidence.

Mentored by well-trained staff from around the globe, Aloha campers learn both interpersonal and technical skills in a welcoming and rustic environment full of sunshine and clean air. Our campers build lasting friendships, stretch their skills, and develop a meaningful connection to the outdoors.

Age guidelines and registration information are available here. We invite families to learn more about us and discover if our camps are a good fit for you and your child.

Our Camp Directors are going on the road again to introduce camp to interested families, meet up with friends old and new, and share excitement about another summer of adventure and fun! Learn more about events in your area online.


2025 Dates

Monday, June 23 - Wednesday, August 13
Full Season
Friday, June 27 - Wednesday, August 13
1st Session
Friday, June 27 -

Sunday, July 20
2nd Session
Tuesday, July 22 - Wednesday, August 13
2-week Session
Tuesday, July 22 -

Tuesday, August 5
Saturday, July 19 -

Sunday, July 20
Several tents are set up on a grassy area surrounded by tall trees and dense forest under a bright, sunlit sky.
People viewing artwork hung on a clothesline in an indoor space, with various drawings including an eye and mushrooms.
A group of people sitting around a table playing chess, with other individuals standing in the background.
A group of young people in life vests kayak and wade in a lake on a cloudy day, with trees and hills in the background.
A person wearing a helmet and life jacket steps on floating yellow beams on a lake with a tree-covered hillside in the background.
A chalkboard schedule lists daily activities at Aloha camp, including archery, arts & crafts, biking, canoeing, sailing, tennis, and more.
A group of people in athletic attire are dancing in a wooden cabin with high ceilings and visible beams.

2025 Dates

Monday, June 23 - Wednesday, August 13
Full Season
Friday, June 27 - Wednesday, August 13
1st Session
Friday, June 27 -

Sunday, July 20
2nd Session
Tuesday, July 22 - Wednesday, August 13
2-week Session
Tuesday, July 22 -

Tuesday, August 5
Saturday, July 19 -

Sunday, July 20

Welcome to Aloha!

Discover and explore a summer with us! Aloha is more than activities, trips, singing, and campfires – more than skills, growth, and laughter. It is the sense of possibility and excitement that fills each day, and the lifelong friendships we build that invite us to imagine the best version of ourselves – not just while we are at camp, but all year long. I’d love to connect with you to tell you more about Aloha and answer any questions you may have!

-Charlotte Messervy, Aloha Director

“Aloha is an amazing place where kids can unplug (since there’s no electronics) and live in nature. There’s a broad swath of activities, and a caring and supportive atmosphere.”

Aloha Parent

“I value the opportunity our daughter has at Aloha to learn new things and try new activities in a supportive environment. This is more and more rare in this day and age when ‘stars’ are determined at young ages, which can stop kids who are a little older from even trying new things. At camp, they can try tennis or sailing for the first time and know that it’s okay and fun to be learning.”

Aloha Parent

“The personal relationships she makes at Aloha are so important to her, and bring her happiness and confidence.”

Aloha Parent



In Canoeing, Aloha campers have plied the waters of northern New England since 1905 – from Fairlee’s shores, to Maine’s Rangeley Lakes, and the glorious Adirondacks of New York State. Opportunities abound to hone and practice skills on both flat water and white water, and virtually every Aloha camper acquires paddling prowess that leads to a lifetime of enjoyment on the water. All waterfront counselors at Aloha are certified lifeguards.


With over twelve hundred acres on Aloha’s property, it’s no wonder our campers love to go out on trips. But we don’t just stay on our campus. Campers plan wilderness adventures with counselors that last anywhere from one day to five, fanning out across the mountains, lakes and rivers of northern New England. Aloha introduces campers to an array of wilderness camping experiences in hiking, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, and biking. Time spent on rivers, lakes, and trails provides opportunities for campers to practice both technical and interpersonal skills, from fire-building and map-reading to problem-solving, self-reliance, and resilience. And what more beautiful environment could there be in which learn and hone those skills than our natural corner of the world?

Campers climbing a rock climbing wall outside.


Aloha campers looking for a special kind of personal challenge have a variety of climbing options. In addition to Aloha’s own climb tower, campers can head over to the high and low ropes courses at our nearby “brother” camp, Lanakila, where they take to the air high up in the pine trees, safely secured and belayed, and ride the “zip wire” 100 feet down from the treetops to the ground.


There’s nothing quite like a summer breeze on Lake Morey, and catching the wind in one of our fleet of JYs is a favorite past-time of campers new and returning. Many in our community come to camp never having been in a sailboat before, and discover a hobby that builds confidence and resourcefulness while also tapping into skill building and problem solving. Campers can choose to participate in weekly clinics and regattas, or simply ride the waves and winds with friends when the mood strikes them. Newcomers, crew members, and advanced skippers are all welcome at the affectionately named “Aloha Yacht Club.” All waterfront counselors at Aloha are certified lifeguards.


Long known at Aloha as The Woodchuck Hole, our Campcraft Department is where campers learn to be self-sufficient outdoors. From map and compass skills and tying knots, to plant and tree identification, all the way up to cooking over an open fire and splitting kindling with an axe, activities in The Woodchuck Hole prepare campers to feel at home on our campus and on the trail. Campcraft offerings are ripe with opportunity for challenge, skill development, and silly, simple fun.

Archery & Air Riflery

No matter what you’re doing, it’s harder than most people think to get — and stay — on target. In Archery and Air Riflery, campers learn concentration and stillness, range-finding and aim-taking – safely, with experts. Whether a camper wants to learn basic skills for fun, or work toward mastery under different conditions and at different distances, we have activities and challenges for all interests.


Camp just wouldn’t be camp without the wonderful camaraderie and individual expression the creative arts bring to our community. At meals, on a mountain trail, around a campfire – we’re always singing at Aloha! Music brings us together, creating an easy atmosphere of light-hearted fun in which everyone can participate. With a blend of well-known songs from outside of camp and traditional Aloha favorites that are easy to learn, music offers everyone a way to connect and celebrate.

Two people are kayaking on a body of water, one in a yellow kayak and the other in an orange kayak.


Kayaking is a favorite water-based activity at Aloha. Campers learn and practice strokes on both flat water and white water, enhancing their skills and spending time with friends. There are plenty of paddling opportunities on Lake Morey, as well as trips to nearby lakes and rivers. All waterfront counselors at Aloha are certified lifeguards, and as our kayakers will tell you, there are all sorts of ingenious ways to paddle in, flip, steer, and run across a kayak!


While most campers arrive at Aloha having used various camera apps on cell phones, our photography program asks them to slow down, observe, choose, and invest. Using black and white film, manual cameras, and various lenses, campers explore the world of camp with a new eye for shape, light, composition, and depth. The dark room is an intentional space where it takes time and skill to develop the images you’ve captured...and of course, goofy pics of friends are always welcome!


Many campers arrive on Lake Morey without any prior tennis experience, and they find a community that emphasizes fun, fair play and friendly competition. From instruction and matches for singles and doubles, to tournaments among Aloha campers as well as inter-camp matches, our courts are vibrant and spirited, and we serve up activities that end in love-love.

Performing Arts

Performing Arts offers the opportunity to participate in group or solo projects that can be as serious or as silly as you want. Some people take on a role in one of our two summer musicals, some choose to share a talent with the camp community in one of our serious or silly talent shows, while others learn a new instrument like ukulele or guitar, or sing in a weekly small group chorus. Aloha specializes in home-grown theatrical fun complete with fanciful, camp-made costumes and an extensive costume room with treasures that delight. Dance by the lake just for fun, or create a whole performance – it’s up to you.


Many Aloha campers first try rowing at camp, discovering a new passion for the sport that can lead to high school and college competition. After basic dock instruction in safety and technique, we take a four-person shell onto Lake Morey as often as weather permits. While this is not an activity that takes place all day every day, it is offered regularly throughout the summer so that everyone who wants to do so can give it a try, and those who so desire can progress through basic skill levels.

Arts & Crafts

The Art Barn brings creativity to life in the visual arts – in ceramics, drawing, painting, copper enameling, weaving, sewing, metalwork, jewelry-making, woodworking, photography, basketry, papier-mâché, sculpture, stage set design, and more. The barn itself is one of the original buildings of our campus, lovingly refurbished in 2013 to add work space while maintaining the treasured rustic feel of the original posts and beams. The expressive possibilities are endless and the creative enthusiasm high.

A group of young women wearing athletic attire stands on an outdoor basketball court. One woman is shooting a basketball while the others wait in line behind her.


Aloha’s courts and playing fields see lots of action every day. With instruction, pick-up matches, and both internal and inter-camp tournaments, there’s a chance for competition in sports like basketball, volleyball, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, and street hockey. This department also offers active play in a non-competitive setting with activities like badminton, rugby, spud, four square, hide and seek, and other childhood games, as well as the chance for campers to run and jog regularly as part of pre-season training for sports during the school year.

Two people riding bicycles on a path beside a wooden fence and grassy field on a sunny day.


Whether a camper is new to riding a bike or comes to camp a practiced cyclist, there is fun to be had on bikes at Aloha. Our hillside campus is a natural place to learn mountain biking skills on trails and rough terrain, while local paths and nearby accessways provide a great opportunity for newer cyclers to practice bike basics like turning, braking, and shifting gears. Equipment maintenance is also an important part of our program, so campers know how to care for their bikes at camp and at home.


We love providing opportunities for campers that they may not encounter elsewhere, and the chance to learn the safe handling and use of power tools is one great example. Woodworking is a hub of creativity and well as noise and sawdust! Our woodshop is supervised by skilled counselors who instruct campers in the use of hammers, nails, files, and well as planes, sanders, drills, and saws. From jewelry boxes and cutting boards to benches, coat racks, and Adirondack chairs, Aloha’s woodworking program is always a-bustle.


Aloha’s swim docks and sandy beach are a favorite place for anyone who enjoys the water. Offering instructional and free swimming, long-distance challenges, competitive meets, and synchronized swimming and diving programs, campers quickly improve their aquatic skills while learning to be comfortable in open water. All waterfront counselors at Aloha are certified lifeguards who practice their endurance training and safety skills throughout the summer. While instructional swimming is optional, there are few things better on a hot summer day than a splash in Lake Morey’s cool water.

Looking for answers to common questions?

Check out our FAQs page.

Daily Schedule

  • Monday-Saturday
  • Sunday

Days at Aloha are filled with opportunities to have fun, work on projects or skills, and also rest and relax. Our daily schedule is based on choice. Within this choice is a mixture of structure and freedom. Campers have the ability to look at the schedule/activities for the day and make a decision about how they want to spend their day.


  • Reveille – time to get up! (7:15 am)
  • Breakfast (8:00 am)
  • Squad (activities to care for the campus and community)
  • Assembly (songs, stories, performances, sharing, announcements)
  • First activity period (campers choose from a wide variety of activities)
  • Second activity period (campers choose from a wide variety of activities)
  • Free time


  • Lunch (1:00 pm)
  • Rest hour
  • Third activity period (campers choose from a wide variety of activities)
  • Fourth activity period (campers choose from a wide variety of activities)
  • Free time/change for dinner


  • Dinner (6:00 pm)
  • Evening program
  • Evening circle (all-camp gathering and singing)
  • Tattoo bugle (finish getting ready for bed)
  • Taps – goodnight everyone! (9:00 pm)


  • Lazy breakfast or cookout on Winships, a hill near camp (8:00 am)
  • Sunday surprises and free time for campers
  • Sunday assembly


  • Lunch (12:45 pm)
  • Rest hour
  • Tent family time


  • Unit suppers/unit time (5:00-6:30 pm)
  • Wedding ring (special Sunday all-camp gathering in the woods)
  • Tattoo bugle (finish getting ready for bed)
  • Taps (8:30 pm)

NEW 2-week session!

Designed specifically for teens new to the Aloha Foundation’s overnight camps, our 2-week session allows campers to sample the transformative experience of Aloha in a shortened two-week schedule. Campers will arrive at the same time as 2nd session campers, allowing them to blend seamlessly into the camp community. They will get the chance to learn new skills, make friends, and enjoy the enriching experience of an Aloha summer. At the end of the 2-week session, campers may choose to stay through the end of the 2nd session (August 13).

Key Details

  • Dates: Tuesday, July 22 – Tuesday, August 5
  • Age Group: current 7th – 9th graders
  • Eligibility: Camper’s first summer


A group of Aloha campers sitting and drawing on the docks.


We believe that eating together is essential to creating community and encouraging authentic interactions. Our dining program not only feeds campers but also involves them as table helpers, recyclers, and composters. We take pride in the supplier relationships we have established with local growers and farm stands nearby in Vermont and New Hampshire. Our kitchen is nut-free and we can accommodate many medically-dictated dietary requirements but are not equipped to handle all dietary restrictions. We offer vegetarian options, gluten-free options, and dairy-free options, but are not able to guarantee a vegan option. We cannot guarantee there will be no cross-contamination from food ingredients from facilities that also process nuts, dairy, or gluten products. 


Campers live in spacious tents on wooden platforms or in rustic cabins, with three to five campers and one or two counselors. The Director and senior counselors devote great care to arranging campers in groups that they believe will enjoy great times together. The nine or ten tents and one cabin that make up each “unit” share a washhouse with hot water showers, flush toilets and electricity.

Equity and Inclusion

We strive to ensure that each person who participates in our programs feels valued for who they are and what they bring to the community. We aim to create environments where everyone is included, considered, and celebrated. The diverse identities and perspectives people bring to our programs enrich our learning experiences together, and we strive to create a sense of belonging for everyone during their time at the Alohas. We invite you to learn more on our equity and inclusion page.

Check out our Current Families Handbook for registration information, payment options, uniforms, packing, travel, luggage shipping, and all your camp preparation needs!

A landscape with a lake surrounded by a forest.

Let’s Connect

We offer camps and programs for people of all ages. Let’s talk about you, your child, your family – and discover together which experience you would value most. There are many options and possibilities!