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Photo Philosophy

We have a slightly different (sometimes very different!) approach to photography at camp.


We love great photos! It’s a joy to share images of the people, places, and activities that make our programs meaningful. We know you love them, too. Perhaps they remind you or your camper of fun memories or generate excitement about joining us in the future. Seeing your camper smiling in a photo can feel reassuring, too—they ARE having a wonderful time, just like you thought!

In our line of work, it’s not unusual for families to tell us they want to see more photos of their campers. “You posted 100 terrific photos from camp this week and somehow my camper is not in a single one!” We understand completely. Many of us have been there, too—week after week, leaning in to stare intently at a photo and trying to determine if that’s the tip of our kid’s sneaker, or the back of their head.  

In all Aloha Foundation programs, our primary focus is on real-time, face-to-face relationships and community building. We intentionally disconnect from technology and immerse ourselves in nature, an opportunity that is increasingly rare in today’s world. Our photographers work within this carefully cultivated environment. They are as unobtrusive as possible and selective in the events they capture. As a result, and by design, we share fewer photos than some other camps. 

In the 3,000+ images we do share each summer season in our password-protected galleries or on social media, our goal is to capture in high-quality photography a diverse array of activities and people that represent the essence of the camp experience. We take group photos (all camp, units, tent, or shack families, etc.) to make sure every camper is included. With 1,600 campers and 350 staff across five different programs and five campuses, however, we are realistic about what we can and want to accomplish with the resources we have available. 

In the photos we select for Aloha Foundation publications or share via other media throughout the year, our objective is the same: to include a wide variety of people and activities in quality photos that best represent our programs. We engage in a multi-step photo review process that includes staff members from across our organization to ensure we capture the depth and breadth of the Aloha community. 

We are always seeking to grow and improve. If you have feedback to share, please email Communications Director Jeff Stander: Thank you!