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From Friend to Friend

By Jenn Merritt

To the Aloha community,

It may be mid-winter here in Fairlee amid many inches of snow, but in many ways, it feels like spring. We have new ideas percolating, new faces who have joined our team, and robust discussions of vision and strategy underway by the Board of Trustees and senior staff. The Foundation is on the cusp of an exciting new chapter and it’s the perfect time to embrace change.

For all those reasons, combined with careful reflection over the last several months, this is also the time I have chosen to step down from my role as Communications Director. After almost seven years, I will be leaving the Foundation with fondness and some sadness, yet in wonderful and capable hands.

First-ever dip in Lake Morey (1972); Anti-Q summer at Hive; Posie, Kate, & Jenn at Lanakila in summer 2023

It has been a joy and honor to work with this incredible team of year-round and seasonal staff. I have learned so much professionally and personally, thanks to each of them and so many of you.

Thinking back, there has never been a single dull moment, that’s for sure! I’ve loved sharing Aloha stories and news with you in Reveille and Key Insights, as well as through our website, blog posts, the impact report, camp newsletters, community messages, social media, and vibrant photography. I think communications is one of the best and most fun jobs at the Foundation. Perhaps I’m biased, but think about it:

1) It is impossible to run out of great material, ever.
2) You learn and are inspired by Aloha people and programs every day.
3) It offers a perfect blend of creativity and structure, as well as innovation and tradition.

The Alohas teach that integrity, community, and humility are vital pieces to pursuing your best self and I will make my exit with those and more packed securely in my camp trunk. I’ll say with a touch of pride and a full heart: I look forward to seeing all the wonderful things that come next.

Forever an Aloha ambassador and cheerleader,


Jenn (Fink) Merritt

Communications Director